Authentication method used by
OBIEE sever are:
1) LDAP Server
2) External Tables
3) Repository
OBIEE LDAP Authentication Configuration: Authentication
in OBIEE is handled by BI server,
Instead of storing user names
and password in the BI Server, we can have the OBIEE server passes the user
name and password to an Ldap(Lightweight
Directory Access Protocol) server for authentication.
To configure LDAP
authentication we need to perform following tasks:
Register LDAP Server
In RPD go to Manage-> Security
First,Create LDAP server
then, fill below information with the help of your administrator/security network.
For Microsoft ADSI(Active directory Service Interface) User name Attribute wil be sAMAccountName.chech with you administrator to find out your user name attribute for LDAP Server
Next,Create an Initialization block,go to manage-> Variables
Under session variables Create new initialization block and give a name
Associate this initialization
block with an LDAP server. Click on "edit
data source" and choose "LDAP server" from drop down box as
shown in below image
then, Create system variable called user. Click on "Edit Data Target" then,click "New" and then create a user "user" as shown in below image.
Upon clicking on ok , a message
will popup(User session variable has a special purpose. Are you sure you
want to use this name). ignore this message and click yes.
Next,Associate the
USER system variable with the LDAP initialization block.In our case "sAMAccountName" is the LDAP
Variable configured in LDAP. and then click ok.
Now If OBIEE get a
positive response from the LDAP server, you are authenticated.
Hope,it helped you to understand LDAP Authentication Configuration .
Please Share your Feedback and keep me posted.
Have a nice day.:)
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