Sunday 12 October 2014

Sorting of Grand Total Value in Pivot View

In a pivot view, you don't have any options to choose the sort order on any measure columns (column grand total include).
I figured it out a way,thought it might help you as well so posting this.

Example:  Arrange Total Transaction Amount USD Total in Descending Order

Unfortunately, a pivot view is always sort by dimension so For that we need add another metric name it as sort with the measure 'Total Transaction Amount USD Total" in the below format

Add a new column in the report

and in the edit formula
CAST(RANK(SUM("Fact Table"."Total Transaction Amount USD" BY"Dimension Table"."Incurred by Person Name")) AS INTEGER)

and treat that column as an attribute column by clicking on the check box shown below:

Then in the report it will appear as below:  the Sort column is available in the report we can hide that by using Column Properties.

Finally the report sorted by Descending order on Grand Total as below:



  1. Just what I needed, articulated and demonstrated well, good job. Thanks

  2. How to do when they have equal values ​​to prevent ranks from getting repeated numbers?


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